Sex Cinema Venus is the oldest sex cinema in the Red Light District of Amsterdam, which will soon disappear as a result of the city council’s regeneration plans. Using a slide show and several single photographs, Van der Burg portrays the stories that take place behind the doors of this special cinema. The characteristic sound of Super 8 projectors can be heard continuously on the Oudekerksplein in the Red Light District of Amsterdam. Every quarter of an hour Ton Grootes, the owner of Sex Cinema Venus, single-handedly changes the Super 8 rushes with porn films from the 1970s. Soon the appearance of the Red Light District will change dramatically. In all likelihood, the city council of Amsterdam will force the sale of the sex cinema to stimulate high-end commercial developments in its place. For the time being, a new programme of porn films is shown each week for the few remaining loyal customers. (the cinema closed down in 2012)